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Well...basically, I'm starting this site because all my friends made a website. Also, I have so many stories from all over (work, home, college etc...) that really need to be shared! They may be crazy, but I swear they are true!
I'm a research associate in a neuropsyciatric department! I love my job and everyone I work with! I just graduated from St. Michael's College and my roots flow back to Turners Falls, MA. I'm a huge movie buff, and well..I hope you enjoy the site!


I would like to give my condolences to all those who lost someone they worked with, knew, or was a relative to an individual who lost their life in the cowardly bombing our US soil. I pray to god that the yellow bastards who felt taking innocent lives would bring comfort to their sick twisted minds are found, tortured, and rot in hell for all eternity.

"We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbored them"

-President George W. Bush
New movie reviews for Ocean's 11 and Harry Potter! New Quotes on the Quotes page. Check out the Movie Buzz to find out the casting for the planned Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets movie. Check out my picture page! It's finally up and running!! 11/02/01
Check out and argue with me on Movie Reviews! A new page devoted to MY opinions of movies I have seen

*note: I am not a critic, just a very opinionated movie watcher*

I love Feedback!
Hey guys, drop me a line and let me know what you think. Beware however, cause if ya make me mad, who knows if YOU might end up on this page!

Sign My GUEST BOOK! Site in Operation since 6/10/01

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