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My home away from home!
As I said, I work in a neuropsychiatric department. This means my work regards the brain. My boss and lab mate are the best (pictured below).

The other people in the building are great too. Cindy, Gerry, Debi, Julie, Sharon, Paul, Natile, Steph and everyone! This place rocks and everyone is just plain cool! I love my job! Check out the Picture Gallery for photos of this inteligent bunch!!

This is a picture of my lab mate Yann Mineur!
Hello....I come from France!

This is my boss Wim E. Crusio
Hello! I am very smrt! Wait a minute I mean smArt!


WE ALL LIKE MICE! (official theme of lab 121-122: Red Hot Chili Peppers: Rollercoaster of Love)