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Ocean's 11:

When I saw the previews for this "Rat Pack" remake, I was a bit wary. I have never been a big fan of Clooney, but I figured hey...with a cast like this, why not give it a shot. However aside from the voices in my head telling me atleast I could watch Julia Roberts, another voice might want to pass on this one. I should have listened. Ocean's 11 is a heist movie without a great heist. Clooney is dull and the rest of the cast just floats along. The story moves slowly and the whole heist is never really put together well. I can say I was dispointed, but hey...if you like drawn out stories!! This one's for you!!!!
*I can think of 11 reasons to wait until video*

Monsters, Inc
When I saw Shrek, I thought that Disney had lost it's strangle hold on the animation industry. When I saw Disney's feature movie for 2002 was a Peter Pan sequal, I REALLy thought Disney was slipping. When I saw Monsters Inc., I realized...there's no place like home for animation. With a WONDERFUL story...and fantastic animation, Monsters Inc. takes you into a world that not only is enjoyable for children, but also for adults. Boo, the child in the movie is so incredibly adorable, it will have you wanting kids. Overall, with the strong vocal support from Crystal, Goodman, Buscemi, and Tilly, Monsters Inc. should scare up some fun for all ages at the box office.
*Don't get scared away from this wonderful movie this fall*
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
All I can say is...WOW! This movie brought the entire book to life! Since there is too much to say about this movie, I will just say....GREAT acting, GREAT casting, GREAT story, and just all around wonderful!!!! Go see it...even if you havn't read the books!
*Do you believe in cinema magic....YES?!
Joe Somebody
Ok....I love Tim Allen's work. From Home Improvement to Don't Stand too Close to a Naked Man. He's great and "Joe Somebody" is no exception. From the get go, Allen has you laughing throughout the picture. Once again, Jim Belushi also puts in a commanding performance. Now don't get me wrong. This isn't an oscar movie, but a feel good movie that reminds up it's more important to be yourself and that just because people SAY they're your friends, doesn't nean they always will be. It's a great picture and I totally remcommend it. *Be a somebody and go see Joe Somebody*

* I am not a critic...please do not get mad at me for my views! *