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Here are a few photos I found on the net and from work and home and everywhere!

We are Edumacated! (Cindy and Me)

Well this is one rough bunch...minus the scrawny guy on the end


It's Brendan as...ORGO MAN!

Little Davey Freshman year!

This is when you know people are really cracking down on Speeding!

My sister and Brother...guess which is which!

Come here little mouse...I won't hurt you (Paul from the lab)

This is where I will put a picture of Meg Currier, my brother's girlfriend, my little buddy, and the person that I am most thankful to right now.

The Family at Graduation

Jamielee...the littel angel. (Good thing I edited out those horns)

My dogs...Sandy and Brandy (left to right)

The original "wise-guys" of SMC

Hey matt...can you believe they let US graduate!

Halloween 1999

Sib showin' off on the Deerfield river

The Guys tubin' YA!

Shan and me at Graduation

Matt, Stephan, and myself stylin' at SMC

The Gangs all here!!

The two main men at Manwhores Inc. John and my brother Thomas


Who's that Stud in the red Shirt?! a bit cold I guess!

We ALL are Gradiated!

Thomas.,'re a bit too much into that Protecting the President thing!

That is ONE KICK ASS COSTUME Matt...who did the make-up?!