Photos from MY lab!
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Here are some pictures from the lab and our trip to Six Flags!
As the offical entertainment coordinator of the BNRI, it is my duty to show not only do we scientists work hard....we also PLAY hard!

I'm an idiot!
Not only did I have to ride by myself, but I got myself dizzy on the TEA CUPS! Man..thank god Jojo was there to hold me up!
Yann and Myself hard at work!
Hey! Even the hardest and smartest of workers need some time to put their feet up and relax right?!
Gerry and Natalie on Blizzard River
Let's just hope this ride doesn't flip over again!
Jess and her Subway
I don't think this picture even NEEDS a caption!
The Gangs all here...except Julie
Look at this happy group of people at Six Flags! Oh Group Photo!
And Here's everyone.....and JULIE!
And here's the gang again, but our picture crazy photographer Julie is in here. She's on the right at the top!
Gerry and Yann
Damn. I sure am glad I didn't go on the Tea Cups with Dan. He's NUTZ!

*Check out Favorite Links for a lInk to Yann's complete Six Flags Page*