Top 10 Worst Movie List
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This is a list of the Top 10 Worst movies I have ever seen
Feel free to argue on the Guestbook page if you like


This is offically the worst movie EVER! I laughed once, fell asleep 3 times. Even Miss. Hewitt's cleavege couldn't save this movie.

Scary Movie 2
I would rather rip out my eyes than watch this unfunny appauling movie again!
I hated this movie. The first time I ever yelled "REFUND"! If you want to make a movie about realistic stuff...make it REALISTIC!
Hyped as a good movie with good stars, but my Sixth Sense told me NEVER SEE THIS TWICE!
Sleepy Hollow
Chris Walken as the Headless Horseman....COOL! Tim Burton destroying a classic...enough to make me never see this again.
Batman Returns
Nothing like destroying a classic villian. Nice to see Tim Burton can keep up the good work!
The originals with a man in a rubber suit were better than this CG piece of CRAP! Do us a favor Hollywood and leave the monster movies to the Japanese!
Summer Catch
A summer flop that not only struck out, but couldn't hit a home run if it tried!
Kevin should have stopped after Robin Hood, cause this movie just sunk his carrer. God awful! They should have taken a hint and stopped production when this Mad Max rip-off's sets kept sinking!
Hollow Man
Sure we saw an invisible man feel a girls chest, but still....I mean taping up a serious crow bar wound with DUCT TAPE! The Pest has been demoted thanks to the memory of another Hollow Man Sufferer.